The 31th edition of the Sztuka Ulicy Festival will be held
from 28 June to 30 June 2024.
The presentations are planned to take place in Nowy Rynek Nowego Miasta (Old Town) and square near Ursynow Culture Center” (Ursynów) and Public Parking near Sierakowskiego Street in Piaseczno City.
Admission to the screenings is free.
Partners in the project are Ośrodek Kultury Ochoty, Ursynowskie Centrum Kultury “Alternatywy”, Centrum Kultury w Piasecznie, Stowarzyszenie Unia Teatrów Ulicznych i Organizatorów Wydarzeń Plenerowych,
The festival is co-financed by the Capital City of Warszawa awarded as part of the competition Organization of Warsaw artistic and cultural festivals – building the image of Warsaw as a city of culture.
The festival was co-financed by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage from the Culture Promotion Fund – a state special purpose fund.